Here you can list the names of your "Brick Wall" relatives and information needed. It is a free service. Please, only request information on relatives that lived, died, or married in Whitfield County or the surrounding area. Don't forget to let us know if you make a connection.
BARNES, Jasper BLACK, Mahala Jane BREWER, John L. & Lavinia BURNES, William Franklin CALLAHAN, James CHESTER, Charles CLINE, Grover Cleveland COTHRAN, Charles & Mary DAY, William Harold EPPERSON, John Wolf HAMPTON, Morgan LACY, Sunshine Leath LEBEL, Victoria & Charles MAY, Nancy Jane MILLER, James M. MORRIS, William Cagle NATIONS, Jeremiah POSS, Elijah PRICE, Alexander E. SMITH, Annie Winston STONECIPHER, Phillip Joseph WALDRIP, James WHITE, William Benjamin WHITFIELD Families WRIGHT, Patricia A.
My brick wall is Jasper Barnes and his son Robert Wilson Barnes. They both lived in Dalton before their deaths but came from NC. We can't find out where they came from or find much record to track them to NC. Would like to know Jasper's father's name. Robert died May 30, 1985 at 83 years.
Contact Linda Barnes with any information. ~ 6/30/03
Looking for the parents of Mahala Jane Black who married George Washington Burns. Mahala was born 10 May 1846 in Georgia. She was on the 1870 census in Whitfield Co. Ga. It is quite possible her family was from Whitfield Co., Ga. She is buried in Clark Co. Arkansas along with her husband.
Any information on this family would be great.
Contact Kathleen Burns with any information. ~ 12/13/03
I am researching family genealogy, and have been led to the OLD PRESBYTERIAN-HAMILTON CEMETERY to where at least one family member was buried. Her name is LAVINA JANE SMITH born April 30th, 1855 Died May 4th, 1918. Her Spouse was JOHN L. BREWER, and he as well is reported as being buried there. Could anyone maybe confirm some of this information for me? This Lavina Jane Smith - Brewer was of reported Cherokee Blood. Her Father being a JOHN SMITH, and her mother just by the name LAVINA, which is also of reported Cherokee Blood. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Contact Stephen B. CW Dutton with any information. ~ 11/02/02
Trying to find a link between George M. Burns md to Elizabeth Raper and my gr gr grandfather, William Burns born 1812 in NC and married to Elizabeth, parents to William Franklin....his sisters, Susan Catherine Burnes, md. to Jason Webb.....Permelia or Millie J. Burnes md. James William "Bud" Hackney and died in 1901, she is listed as Cornelia on the census incorrectly. Older brother, Henry Harrison Burnes married Emily Lodesta Cooper and had children; Lilly Etta Burnes married Dick Rollins and moved to Tennessee. I know that George and William were related, just do not know "How"...
Contact Nancy Jones Voelker with any information. ~ 9/19/11
Searching for any information on these names. James Callahan, married to Malinda (Lindy) Howell, Murray Co. GA, about 1850/53, daughter of Pinkney Howell & Elizabeth (Haygood) Howell. Malinda married second time to John Evans of Sugar Valley, GA. 1880 in Whitfield, County. Children of James & Malinda Callahan:
William Berry Callahan, b: May, 17,1854 in Murray County, married 29th. Sept. 1887 in Whitfield Co. to, Nancy Montgomery, b:May 16, 1859. Mary L. Callahan, b: 1862 in Murray Co. married, Dec. 20, 1877 in Murray Co. GA. to William Henry Hughey, he was born May 01, 1851 in Spring Place, GA & died Nov. 07, 1921 in Atlanta, Cass, Texas. James Thomas Callahan, b: Jan, 27, 1867, in Murray Co. died: Mar. 27, 1917 in Whitfield Co. married: Lula Wilson in Gordon Co 26th June, 1889, daughter of Pleasant Wilson & Mariah Rebecca (King) Wilson.
Any information appreciated.
Contact Louise Callahan Denston with any information. ~ 5/27/02
We are trying to find info on Charles Chester. He built our house in 1883 and his last surviving daughter, Ms. Charle(pronounced "Charlie")Chester died back in the 1980's. She was in her late 90's. He married Tallulah Guthrie from Dalton. These folk are buried here in the Tunnel Hill graveyard but there isn't any info on this family that we can tell. If ANYBODY out there has ANY info, whether great or small, it would be most greatly appreciated! Thank you.
Contact Mike Whitfield with any information. ~ 1/27/07
I am looking for the father of Grover Cleveland (Calvin ) Cline. He is buried at Westhill Cemetery. He was married to Lowia (Haygood) Cline. Several of his children still live in Whitfield County, but none have any info on their grandfather, as all records were burned in a fire, several years ago. He died in 1964, and was born around 1892. He had several children, Bryant, David, Truman, and others. Any help you can give us will be appreciated. Thank you.
Contact Terri Cline with any information. ~ 6/16/03
Any information on these folks will be greatly appreciated. Listed on 1860 census of Whitfield County, Georgia. Two children, Harriet and Henrietta. Henrietta Cothran married William H. McClurd. These were my ggrandparents. Thank you.
Contact Peggy Chapman with any information. ~ 9/28/02
My name now is Glennean Grossman. I was born Melissa Glennean Day on December 27, 1956. My parents are Wilma Cline Day and the late William Harold Day, Jr. both of Dalton. If you are related to me in any way, please let me know.
Contact Glennean Day Grossman with any information. ~ 8/2/02
I am looking for information on John Wolf Epperson.
Contact Mary Stout with any information. ~ 4/15/03
Looking for information on Morgan Hampton, born VA abt 1805 died Whitfield County, GA Dec 1879. Would like to know who his parents were.
Contact James Hampton with any information. ~ 3/19/12
Searching for information on Sunshine Leath Lacy, born Feb. 29, 1852 in Whitfield County. Have no other information on her. She married Andrew J Gilliland in 1882 (unknown where). Their daughter is my grandmother. Found it interesting read on the county. Possibly this is the county where my purported indian heritage comes from.
Contact Carol Shea with any information. ~ 8/2/02
My great great grandparents settled in Cove Springs, Whitfield County around 1860, they were Victoria C and Charles A LeBel (mispelled in the census records for 1860 as Labell). They came as immigrants from France. Their three children were Caroline LeBel Deshayes, Andrew Desieria LeBel and Charles LeBel. My great Grandfather Andrew married Loretta Cady of Whitfield County, her parents were Stephen Columbus Cady and Mary Earnest Cady, Stephen was a traveling dentist, owned a lot of property, donated land for a Methodist Church and cemetery in the Cove Springs area (Carbondale Station). Any information found and shared on them would be greatly appreciated. Thank You.
Contact Lotus LeBel Bradford with any information. ~ 7/13/03
I am trying to find the parent's of Nancy Jane May. She was born May
20, 1832 in Tennessee. She married Leonard Nelson Tinsley in Murray County,GA on June 2, 1850. Nancy Jane May died in Whitfield County, GA between 1880-1889. She is buried in
West Hill Cemetery in Dalton, GA. She is my brick wall.
Contact Leona Tinsley Shields with any information. ~ 5/3/02
I need any information on the family of James M. Miller and his family. (I suspect the M. stands for Monroe).They were listed on the 1860 and 1870 census for Dalton, Whitfield County, Ga. James is listed with his first wife, Frances, in 1850 in East Armuchee, Walker County, GA. They had John M., Martha E., Frances B., Mary S. and possibly Hester A. Then James' first wife, Frances, (may be Thompson or Sprayberry) must have died between 1850 and 1854 because he then married a younger woman, Sarah E., who is listed on the 1860 and 1870 census with an additional child named Josephine E. (our ancester). By 1870 the couple had added Jefferson Davis Miller , George F., William L. and Lula L.
Sarah Miller is next found on the 1880 Pittsburg, Johnson County, Arkansas census two doors from her daughter, Josephine Denson. Jefferson Davis and George F. Davis are living with her. Mr. Miller must have died between 1860 and 1870 and I suspect near Little Rock, Arkansas. I would love to know who Sarah was and what happened to her husband and where he is buried. Josephine ended up living in the Lonoke and Prairie County, Arkansas area for the remainder of her life.
Contact Paula Carmack Denson with any information. ~ 5/6/07
I am looking for information on William Cagle MORRIS who was born in or around Dalton, Whitfield Co. 08.23.1867. Father--H. F. MORRIS Mother-Emma NELSON William was maried to Ida Belle Walker in 1896.
Contact L. D. with any information. ~ 6/8/03
I am searching for information on Jeremiah b. abt 1778 and his son Felix. They are both listed in the 1860 Census of Whitfield County. This is the last reference I have for either of them.
Contact contact with any information. ~ 9/7/02
I need help on Elijah Poss. Born in GA. Left GA and went to AR. Think he is the line that links me up with the other family that I have found.
Contact Beulah Poss Stone with any information. ~ 8/15/02
Alexander E. Price {1860-1936} and Caroline O'Dell {1859-1910} were married in Dalton, GA on October 10, 1880. I know who all of their children were. Any other info would be greatly appreciated.
Contact Candy O'Donnell with any information. ~ 8/2/02
Researching Annie Winston SMITH, b. 12/16/1880 in Dalton, Whitfield Co., GA. Her parents were James 'Benjamin' SMITH and Nancy Jane. Her father could also be a Bennet SMITH. One incongruous fact is that the James 'Benjamin' SMITH identified by his grandson as Annie's father was supposedly born in 1870 - a mere 10 years before his daughter Annie. He is said have died 3/1/1922 and to be buried in Oak Hill Cemetery in Cartersville, Bartow Co., GA. The obituary of the J. H. SMITH who died this date and is buried at Oak Hill says that he died in Alabama and was an 'unmarried man'. I have a Confederate Soldier's Pension application for a J. B. SMITH from Company B of the 18th GA Regiment
filed in Cartersville, Bartow Co., GA in 1912. He says that his wife N. J. owns a home and a lot in Marietta, GA. There is mention of a son but not a daughter. His daughter Annie DID marry John Austin Casey of Atlanta, Fulton, GA. They married about 1900 - no record found. The men in the family were involved with railroads and moved around a lot. Any ideas or leads on this are appreciated.
Contact Diane Casey with any information. ~ 5/18/03
My great grandfather was Post Master of Mills in late 1800's. His name was Phillip Joseph (P.J.) Stonecipher. Does anyone have any information on him and the town Mills?
Contact Linda Barnes with any information. ~ 6/30/03
In the 1870 US Census I found James WALDRIP with his family living in Whitfield, Militia District 872. This is a gggrandfather. Also found was his brother Thomas E WALDRIP and his family. Does anyone know anything about the WALDRIP family? Also what is the Militia District 872? Thanks for any help.
Contact Connie with any information. ~ 1/9/04
This is a real Brickwall, four years in search of Any information on Parents of William Benjamin White my Great grandfather b: Cougar, Whitfield Co. Georgia? 6 April 1845 year may be off? (Ben Joined the Arkansas 7th Infantry in 1861 at Camp Shaver near Pocahontas Arkansas. He Was wounded the 24th of June 1863 during the first day of battle of Liberty Gap, Tennessee. A ball entered his left hip and stopped near his right kidney. He spent the last year of the Civil War in a Confederate Army Hospital in Griffin Georgia. After the war was over he married Nancy Arreney Ledford in Whitfield Georgia. They moved to Missouri where sons Mackey and John Henry were Born in 1874 and 1879. 1880 census of Pleasant Ridge, Futon County Arkansas shows Jessie's birth place as Tenn. They were living in Arkansas in 1884 when daughter Lousia was born. His wife Nancy died in Arkansas in 1899. In 1900 Ben was awarded a pension For the wounds he received during the Civil War. Around 1910 Ben became a traveling Minister and traveled the countryside by horseback preaching at any church that was in need of his services. He was a Pastor at the Poyen Arkansas Missionary Baptist Church in 1916 He died in 1924 at the age of 80 at the home of his son John Henry White. He is buried in the Upper Antioch cemetery. His grave is marked with a Confederate soldier's Marker.) Thank you for your time.
Contact Charles E. Adkins with any information. ~ 1/9/04
My name is Larry Whitfield and I am just starting genealogy research on the Whitfield name. I have a great great grandfather Henry Haywood Whitfield from Bladen county in N. C. I am interested in finding any infomation on Whitfields in Whitfield County, Ga.
Contact Larry Whitfield with any information. ~ 4/25/04
Looking for information on Patricia Wright who was in Whitfield County
in the 1960's. Patricia would be approx 48 or 49 years old now. Need
medical information for family use.
Contact Billy Burnette if you have any information. ~ 5/3/02
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