Fraziers Chapel Cemetery

Keith Valley Road

Cohutta, Georgia

This is only a partial listing of this cemetery and is by no means complete. If you would like to submit names, photos or additional information on anyone interred in this cemetery please feel free to click on the email icon at the bottom of this page to contact me.
Please be aware that entries on this cemetery page may be embellished by personal or other records. To view additional information, where available, click on the name of the individual listed. I only have additional information or photos of those individuals who's names are underlined.

Robert Lee McCarter12 Feb 194006 Nov 1940~

Any entries not specified otherwise are either my own surveys or have been collected from obituaries.

If you have names or photos that you would like to contribute for posting on this page please feel free to email them to me. I appreciate you all, researchers and contributors alike. Thank you and happy hunting!

This page was last updated Tuesday, 21-Jan-2025 18:54:22 UTC.
Copyright © 2002~2011 by WhitfieldKin.