Rackley Leona Tinsley Shields N/A
Redwine Rick Gregg N/A
Renfroe Leonard Rollins N/A
Rhinehart Denise Murphy N/A
Rice Joanna Wood N/A
" Robert H. Simpson N/A
Rich Leona Tinsley Shields N/A
Richardson Gordon Parks N/A
Ridley Eddie Hunter N/A
Rollins J. C. Johnson N/A
" Leonard Rollins N/A
Rollins Eddie Hunter N/A
Rose Wil Bachman N/A
Rowland J. C. Johnson N/A
Sansom Pat Taber Koger N/A
Sawyer Jacque Hopkins Genealogy 4 All
Saylors Evelyn Gaddy N/A
Seay Diane Eleam & Elam Family
" Phillip Crow N/A
Shields Denise Murphy N/A
" Paula Franklin N/A
Simpson Robert H. Simpson N/A
Snow Judith Anderson N/A
Spriggs Loretta Davis N/A
Stacy Dale Boyd N/A
Standard Judith Anderson N/A
Steele Judith Anderson N/A
Stewart Wil Bachman N/A
Stone Leonard Rollins N/A
Stroud Leonard Rollins N/A
Stuart Wilma Morgan N/A
Suttles Brenda Stewart-Reeder N/A
Talbot Judith Anderson N/A
Tarver Gordon Parks N/A
Taylor Judith Anderson N/A
Teasley Kathleen Butler N/A
Tensley Leona Tinsley Shields N/A
Thompson Jeanette Hutton N/A
Thornton Debra Garner N/A
" Jacque Hopkins Genealogy 4 All
Tinsley Leona Tinsley Shields N/A
Tolbert Judith Anderson N/A
Touchstone Leona Tinsley Shields N/A
Tucker Bob Maynard N/A
Vining Rob Groves N/A
Wade Judith Anderson N/A
Walker Charles Henderson N/A
Ward Judith Anderson N/A
Wells Harriet Kennon N/A
" Kay Moreland Eary N/A
West Steve West N/A
Whalen Leona Tinsley Shields N/A
Williams Wilma Lanning Flowers N/A
Wilson Frenette Brown N/A
" Louise Denston N/A
Winn Mary Winn McFarland N/A
Workman Dotti Workman-Blanton N/A
Wright Billy Burnette N/A
Youngblood Charles Henderson N/A

Please feel free to submit your surnames for inclusion on this page. Be sure to list the email address that you would like included and if you have a web page, list your URL. Happy hunting!

This page was last updated Tuesday, 21-Jan-2025 18:54:00 UTC.
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